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7 Ways to Become a Better Leader 

Have you taken on a leadership role recently and want to do your best? Maybe you’ve led others for a while and are thinking you could use a few tips to improve. Even if you’ve had a variety of supervisory responsibilities, it’s not uncommon to feel like you’re floundering a little from time to time.  

At the very least, anyone with responsibility for others can always benefit from a few solid tips. Let’s explore seven terrific ways to boost your leadership skills. 

 1. Determine your motivation 

The best place to start is to think about why you want to be a leader. Perhaps you’ve been encouraged to fill a supervisory position because your employer needs your assistance. Hopefully, leading others is something that you’ve aspired to do. Take stock of what’s in it for you. If the strongest thing drawing you to a position is an increased salary, it won’t take long for people to see that. Your effectiveness as a leader depends on your ability to motivate others, so you need to have a real desire to inspire your team.  

 2. Assess your strengths and needs 

Think of what skillset you bring to leadership. While self-reflection is the place to start, it’s very difficult to clearly see our competencies and deficiencies. You’re going to need input from others, too. Reviewing past performance appraisals and considering what informal praise you’ve received can help. You can also take an independent personality test. Make a list of the positive leadership qualities you have and where you need to improve. Then, sit down with someone who has the insight to help you assess your abilities. 

 3. Build on your assets 

Becoming a good leader requires attaining a certain amount of knowledge. Leadership training courses offer the tools you need to build on your existing skillset. Some may include hands-on activities like role playing where you can try out different approaches to dealing with supervisory issues. The opportunity to sharpen your skills in a safe environment while receiving honest feedback can be extremely valuable. Another excellent method of developing your leadership expertise is with a professional career coach. Select someone you feel comfortable with who has a good understanding of what leading others requires. 

4. Stay positive  

Would you say that you’re a glass half full person or a glass half empty one? Each of us has a default mindset when it comes to our day-to-day attitude. The good news is that you can change this and become a more positive person. When you’re leading others, it’s essential that you cultivate a “can do” frame of mind. Leadership positions come with considerable responsibility and your team will be looking to you for guidance when challenges arise. Therefore, staying positive is essential to maintaining momentum, helping your people keep their spirits up, and overcoming problems together. 

5. Choose a mentor

Becoming a great leader doesn’t happen overnight. Expect that there’ll be some on-the-job trial and error. This is where finding a mentor that’s a good match is invaluable. Take time getting to know your industry colleagues and community leaders and think also of any former employers who might fit the bill. You’ll want a person whose abilities you respect and whose opinion you value, an individual with whom you can speak freely and learn from. A good mentor will be a sounding board when you’re troubled, a trusted advisor when you’re indecisive, and a personal cheerleader when you’re successful. 

6. Become a great presenter 

As a leader, you’ll be asked your opinion and be called upon to speak for others. It could be at an informal meeting or around the boardroom table. You may also be asked to make introductions for visiting industry experts, lead a focus group, present at a conference, or be given a similar task. Being a good speaker is a critical leadership skill. While you may find the prospect daunting at the beginning, know that developing your public speaking skills is entirely doable. It takes seizing every chance to practice.  

7. Communicate effectively 

Honest and transparent communication is a cornerstone of being a great leader. Think about what you want to say before you say it. Whether you’re having a one-on-one conversation with a member of your staff or a team meeting, effective communication involves encouraging and persuading others. People are looking to you for direction and inspiration and to hear important information. The ability to communicate with sincerity extends, as well, to speaking with others in the company and across your business sector. 

In summary

By clearly examining your competencies, focusing on improving via courses and mentorship, and working to be a positive and effective communicator, you’ll quickly grow into your leadership position.

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