Leadership includes standing on the shoulders, so to speak, of those who have already blazed a trail of influence and inspiration. Guiding and directing others in any industry requires a complex set of competencies that involve a willingness to take risks and recover from one’s mistakes. 
Listening to wise words from whatever business quarter they come from can be invaluable. Following is advice from six prominent leaders and what they can tell us. 
1. “Mistakes will happen . . . and that’s okay.” 
This advice comes from the CEO and founder of Expansion Group, Katie Murphy. In this context, she is talking about change management and company reorganization. She explains how critical it is to prepare in advance with a strong communication strategy and to stick to the message. This includes being ready to repeat communications as often as necessary so that everyone has a proper understanding of the reason for a change and its impact. 
As Murphy says, it’s natural for mistakes to happen and “things will fall through the cracks.” This means that leaders should expect that matters are apt to get worse before they improve and this must also be part of the message to the team. 
2. “(Establish your) values as an organization.” 
The CEO of SoulCycle, Evelyn Webster recommends that businesses first do the hard work of developing the values that drive the organization. Completing this upfront will provide a strong foundation that leaders can use to underpin the mission and future vision for the organization. 
Everything the company does, how it engages with clients and suppliers in the marketplace and what it expects of its employees should all lead back to the firm’s espoused values. This requires embedding this awareness throughout the enterprise and making sure that all staff members understand the values and are ready to uphold them. Repeating the message and explaining how these ideals relate to the work of all parties is key. 
3. “Learn to listen to your team.” 
This advice is relayed by Jim Kim, vice chairman at Global Infrastructure Partners. Kim relates that his interest in being an effective leader was born early in his life during his years playing high school football. He was driven to find out how to best inspire teams of individuals to work together to achieve much more than they could on their own. 
This is the advantage of solid teamwork wherein everyone has a voice and is encouraged to collaborate and support one another toward a common goal. What ensues in these environments is a synergy that can be quite remarkable. Kim views the ability to really listen and model this behavior for others as an invaluable component of leadership. 
4. “You have to go slow before you go fast.” 
Beth Comstock, former vice chair of General Electric, uses these words to talk about communication and reflection. As she points out, “Time to think and time to connect with people are as important as getting everything done.” Her leadership lesson is about learning to love what you’re doing by, as she says, “wallowing” in it. 
This suggests that Comstock’s journey to become a prominent figure in the American business world has benefited from a fair amount of self-awareness. She talks about understanding how you come across to others and making a definite effort to change your ways to improve your interpersonal communications. 
5. “Hire people who are even better than you.” 
Zillow CEO Spencer Rascoff recalls this counsel being offered to him as one that has influenced his leadership philosophy. He notes that, understandably, this is hard to hear and implement for most people, particularly when they are new to the responsibility of leading others. Ego and a lack of confidence in one’s role can seriously affect a hiring manager’s choice of candidates. People may not want their direct reports to outshine them. 
Having said that, building a team of the best and brightest is one sure way to make a supervisory job a little easier. Harnessing the expertise of stellar employees and providing the requisite guidance and support can mean big gains for any leader. Plus, it can be really inspiring to see your employees progress and determination to succeed. Keep in mind, as well, that these people could very well be the company’s future leaders and that’s a win for everyone involved. 
6. “There’s no point in blaming others when you fail.” 
American business magnate T. Boone Pickens offered this very simple guidance to anyone in a leadership position. Basically, accountability is paramount. Owning one’s mistakes demonstrates integrity and trustworthiness, both qualities that people look for in their leaders. 
Pickens’ words are a reminder that in order to persuade and nurture others, you really must have their confidence. Being honest and transparent in your decisions, as well as admitting when you’re at fault is crucial. 
There is no shortage of great leadership advice in the business world and elsewhere. These are just a few examples of experience speaking that are worth taking to heart. 

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